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This blog contains sharing stories and travel notes, reviews, info and life stories about Indonesia in my point of view.

In each article there is a date, month and year as a sign of when the writing was made. I do not guarantee that all the information presented is accurate and complete, so I am not responsible for any errors, changes and lack of up-to-date data and information and any losses incurred due to actions related to the use of information on this blog. If there are articles that are lacking or are not up-to-date, please let me know by writing in the comments column or via email

The links contained in this blog are intended to complete information according to the date, month, year when the article was made. I am not responsible for any changes to some or all of the content on the site link.

The photos used in this blog come from personal documentation, the property of someone who is used with the permission of the owner or other sources listed. Readers are welcome to take advantage of this as long as they include this blog as a source in photo or writing descriptions.

Blog readers are allowed to comment as long as it does not conflict with religious norms, morals, manners and applicable legal rules. The entire contents of comments written are the responsibility of the comment author.

All articles on this blog are the author's personal opinion and do not reflect the attitude of the institution where I work or the community that I follow.

Thank you for visiting and happy surfing in a timeless zone.

